Pole Vault – Overview
Pole vault is a popular track and field event. Apart from physical fitness, it requires understanding of some basic physics such as the way of transferring the kinetic energy of your speed into the gravitational potential energy through the elastic energy of your vault. This tutorial will guide you in understanding the sport from a grass-root level.
The very first step of Pole Vault requires the athlete to run down the track holding the pole in his hand. Before jumping, the athlete has to plant his pole in a metallic pit known as box. Next, he will jump in the air to get to a required height level. Then throwing the pole away, he swings and turns in the air and finally lands on the mat. Both men and women can participate in this sport.
A Brief History of Pole Vault
Though the exact origin of this technology is not known yet but it is a well-known fact that in earlier times, people used pole vault method to cross big obstacles while crossing rivers, drainage etc. Armies also used this method to cross the long wall of the enemy during the war time. In 1829 B.C, Pole Vault competition was introduced for the first time in Irish Tailteann Games.
In 1896, this sport was included in modern Olympics as a popular track and field event. With his victory in 1912, Harry Babcock gave US its fifth consecutive pole vault win. In earlier days, the materials used for pole construction was tree limbs in the form of large sticks. With the evolution of new technology, now fibre poles are being used extensively due to good strength and flexibility.
Participating Countries
Pole vault comes under the track and field event. Since its introduction to modern Olympics in 1896, the popularity and demand of this sport grew exponentially in different nations. Many Asian and Non-Asian countries have athletes who participate actively in this sport. their active participation in this sport.
The list of Asian countries to produce good athletes in Pole Vault include China, Korea, Japan, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Iraq. In 2014 Asian Games, Xue Changrui of China bagged a gold medal in men’s category and Li Ling of China bagged gold medal in women’s category.
Many Non-Asian countries have also shown their talents in events like Summer Olympics. Countries like Great Britain, Russia, Germany, Chez Republic, and Greece have dominated this sport for a long time.