Repetitive Motion Injuries Causes

Repetitive motion disorders develop because of microscopic tears in the tissue. When the body is unable to repair the tears in the tissue as fast as they are being made, inflammation occurs, leading to the sensation of pain.

Causes of repetitive motion injuries include:

  • Repetitive activity
  • Trauma
  • Crystal deposits (such as in gout)
  • Friction
  • Systemic disease (rheumatoid arthritis, gout)

Repetitive Motion Injuries Symptoms

  • Tendinitis: The most common symptom associated with tendinitis is pain over the site involved. Tendinitis is made worse by active motion of the inflamed tendon. The skin overlying the inflamed tendon may be red and warm to the touch.
    • Biceps: The painful spot is usually in the groove where the arm meets the shoulder. You can reproduce the pain by flexing your elbow at 90 and trying to turn your hand palm up (called supination) against resistance.
    • Tennis elbow: This pain is in the elbow and is reproduced by cocking your wrist back (extending the wrist) as if you are bringing a tennis racket back to hit the ball.
    • Golfer’s elbow: This pain also occurs in the elbow but is made worse by flexing the wrist forward as if you are hitting a golf ball.
    • Rotator cuff: Raising your arm out to the side reproduces this pain. The painful area is usually over the affected shoulder.
  • Bursitis: Common symptoms include pain, tenderness, and decreased range of motion over affected area. Redness, swelling, and a crunchy feeling when the joint is moved (crepitus) may also occur.
    • Knee: This condition involves swelling over the bottom part of the kneecap that is red and warm to the touch. Usually, the range of motion of the knee will be less because of the pain that bending and straightening the knee causes.
    • Elbow: Pain, swelling, and redness are found over the elbow. The pain gets worse when you flex and extend your arm at the elbow.
    • Hip: Your pain is increased by walking or by lying on the affected side. Bringing your leg away from and toward the mid-line of the body can also reproduce the pain.