Anatomy Quiz

Anatomy Quiz

1. Digestion begins in the


2. Trachoma is a disease of the


3. A group of similar cells performing the same function is a


4. Barium is used for


5. The part of the brain responsible for thinking and memory is the


6. The largest part of the human brain is the


7. Pyorrhea is a disease of the


8. Water, urea, and other wastes are eliminated in a fluid called


9. Myopia is a disease connected with


10. Lack of what causes diabetes.


11. Lock Jaw, i.e., difficulty in opening the mouth is a symptom of


12. The main function of the kidney is


13. A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group


14. . Walking, running, and carrying a book involve using _____________ type of muscles


15. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?


16. ECG is used for the diagnosis of aliments of


17. The human heart has _____________ chambers


18. Ultra Microscopic viruses are the main cause of-


19. Axon, cell body , and dendrites are parts of a _____________ cell


20. Which is the largest organ in the human body


21. The type of joint found in your shoulder is a _____________ joint.


22. Which of the following have maximum calorific value


23. How many bones are there in a newly born infant


24. Cardiac muscle tissue can be found in


25. The part of the brain responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing and heart beat is the